
Discover your unique strengths that ignite your business

Fueling Your Business Journey

Ignite is a four-minute business quiz created to understand your natural tendencies, instincts and patterns of behaviour when making business decisions.

Get your personalised and detailed report, complete with insights into your top strengths, blind spots and practical bite-size actionable steps, to help take your business forward.

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Light up your entrepreneurial journey in three easy steps

By understanding and improving upon your decision-making process, you can make more informed, effective choices that lead to better outcomes for your business with just three simple steps.

How it works:
Step 1: Experience
Take part in the four-minute quiz
Step 2: Reflect
Read your personalised
report, tailored
to your decision-making style
Step 3: Action
Download your leadership
blueprint and
begin taking practical steps toward
What’s in it for you?

Discover your business persona

Get your leadership blueprint with actions you can start implementing today

Better understand your strengths and blind spots

Boost long-term efficiency and minimise your losses

Understand how to lead your team more effectively

Which of these six business personas are you?
As an entrepreneur, you exhibit your own special blend leadership traits. However, like all leaders, you have a primary one that informs your leadership skills and drives your day-to-day decisions.
The Visionary
The Visionary
The Advocate
The Advocate
The Goal Getter
The Goal Getter
The Intuitive
The Intuitive
The Expert
The Expert
The Collaborator
The Collaborator
Ignite will identify your primary leadership trait when running your business. Curious to find out yours?
Ignite is an evidence-based business solution

The six leadership personas stem from a comprehensive survey encompassing over 1400 business leaders and comprising over 200 questions. Through analysing responses to questions on leadership and management styles, as well as sources of guidance sought by leaders, six distinct leadership styles emerged. Data engineers subsequently condensed the lengthy 200-question survey into a more concise 25-question quiz, faithfully reproducing the original survey's results. This quiz serves as the foundation of Ignite.

Built by small businesses for small businesses

We partnered with the best entrepreneurs, researchers, designers, developers and creative brains to build a tool you can trust

Be the Business is the trading name of The Productivity Group, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England no. 10754958; registered charity 1173660 (England & Wales).

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